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We love a display board!

We love a display board!
We are always so pleased with the artwork that our children create at Baddesley Ensor. We allow all of our children the opportunity to create their own individual art work and it is never adapted, modified or changed. What the child has made is what they envisioned so why would we change that?

Take a look at what we've got on display this month! 

@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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