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Security at Banana Moon

How do we keep your children safe?
This has got to be the first thought that enters a parents mind when having to leave their child in the care of someone else - 'are they going to be safe?' 'How do i know they are safe?'

At Banana Moon Baddesley Ensor the safety of your children are our priority and we have specific security measures in place to ensure the safety of all within our building, let's find out more....

Finger print access system - Biometrics
We have a unique finger print access system where registered parents, carers and staff members can be added to the system using their very own finger print - their unique finger print grants them access into the nursery setting each day. At the moment we have our system turned off for parents/carers due to Covid19 restrictions but this is something we will be reviewing to re-introduce in the near future.
This means that no visitors or anybody that we do not know cannot gain access to the nursery without a member of our team going to the door first hand to verify who they are and why they are visiting.....

If you are a visitor at Banana Moon Baddesley Ensor you will be greeted by a member of our team who will check your ID find out why you are visiting today and will ask you to sign in on our visitor book using your details, we will notify you of our visitors policy, no mobile phone policy and safety measures at Banana Moon to protect our children. Whilst in the setting no visitors will be left alone, and will be escorted around the setting by a member of the team or within sight and sound at all times. When leaving, the visitor will sign out of the premises too.

Extra collection security measures
If you are unable to collect your child and have to send a family member/friend who we may not have seen before the first thing to do will be to notify us of this alternative collection, we will need to know who this person is, their name and their relation to you/your child. When you joined our Banana Moon family you will have completed a 'Registration form' and on here you will have provided us with details of alternative collectors and also created a 'Password' for collection. In these circumstances you will need to provide your alternative collector with the password and we will ask for this when they arrive to collect your child. If the password if incorrect, or we were not expecting/informed of anyone different collecting, we would phone immediate parents first to gain permission to release your child, only then would they be able to go home. *please note you are able to change your password and alternative collectors list at any time*

The main front door access to nursery, controlled by our biometric system from the outside appears locked at all times, and can only be opened on the inside by adults, with the lock unreachable to children, additionally we have a stair gate around 5 feet away from our front door which is closed at all times to prevent our children being able to get close to the main front door during the day.

Within our garden we have 6ft fences surrounding the nursery and a garden gate, which also acts as an additional fire exit but is bolted at the top and bottom - the garden is risk assessed by team members before each outing to make sure that it is both safe and secure - we invite our preschool children to take part in risk assessing our environments to identify such hazards as an open gate/door so that they are too able to understand safety measures and identify danger using simple child friendly picture checklists which you will find located around the nursery as prompts.

Additional to all of the above we have CCTV around the nursery setting which provides extra security measures for children, parents and staff members.

If you have any questions about our security measures at Banana Moon Baddesley Ensor please do let us know.

@BananaMoon - 3 years ago


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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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