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March 2023 Nursery Newsletter

Baby Moon February Round Up

We have had such a fantastic February! We had plenty of lovely key dates to keep us busy. We joined in with Children’s Mental Health week and made some sensory bottles baked biscuits and created a cosy den for some quiet time.
We made cards for valentine’s day, took part in random acts of kindness day and enjoyed a very yummy and creative pancake day.

This month we have had some new faces join our family. All of our new babies have settled in really well and adapted to nursery life really quickly too! We are very proud of our new moons.  

Mini Moon February Round Up 

Another busy month for our Mini Moons. We went on an adventure to Atherstone Library on THE BUS! Our Mini Moons really enjoyed seeing the vehicles, the people, the animals in the field and socialising on the journey to the Library. We joined in with a Rhyme Time Session and brought back some lovely books to share with our other friends. Mini Moons have been participating in our weekly Sports Session. This month we have had Gymnastics inside with Coach Harry. The Mini Moons listen and follow the coach, hanging on to his every word! 

Our Mini Moons have also been supporting transitions across the nursery! From Babies moving up to helping their own children transition into Full Moons. Each Key Person has spend the time establishing new bonds and sharing information with others to help prepare for their children.

Full Moon February Round Up 
We’ve had a such a wonderful month celebrating all things Love and Kindness. 
We’ve been creating different things to be kind around our community by giving cards to local business and making pictures to brighten up Hoglets Hideout . Our Full Moons have also enjoyed practicing their road safety whilst out on walks. We all enjoyed our ambulance visit thanks to one of our parents which has been a daily role play activity looking after our dolls, teddies and pets. 

We have had some huge developmental achievements this month from our younger full moons and their toileting. Majority have now taken the leap from nappies to pants! Our Full Moons team have been so dedicated and supportive of each child through this big change. Well done Full Moons! 

Special Dates for the Diary For April 
We are always keen to show the children that they are part of a wider community through special days at nursery. Here are some of the fun things we have planned for April so far! 

1st – St David’s Day – Wear something yellow! We will be painting our own daffodils and trying Welsh cakes made by our very own Rebecca :) 
2nd – World Book Day – Feel free to come dressed as your favourite character all week! 
3rd – World Wildlife Day – We will be looking at lots of animal books and painting our own animals too
8th – International Women’s Day <3 
17th- Red Nose Day and St Patrick’s Day – Come dressed in something red or green
19th – Mother’s Day – The week beginning the 13th we are inviting all mother figures  to pop by to create a picture with your child. If you would like to drop in please just let us know in advance of the time and day you will be coming so that we know thank you 😊
20th – Spring begins! And World Frog Day
20th – Parents Evenings – from the week beginning the 20th we will be starting our parents evenings, a short 5-10 minute catch up, please speak to your child’s key person to book a time if you would like one, alternatively a phone call can be arranged if you would still like a chat but are unable to come in.
26th – Daylights Savings begins, don’t forget to put your clocks forward one hour! 😊

If there are any dates that you as a family would like us to celebrate then drop us an email or give us a call with your ideas! 

Have a marvelous March! 

@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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