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Extra curricular activities

Extra curricular activities
Although we offer so much ourselves in house to support the learning and development of our children as individuals, through teaching and learning, environments, activities and resources we also book extra curricular activities for our children and families to enjoy and benefit from. 

Of recent we have enjoyed some fantastic visits from the following external groups;

Zoo lab - over the years we have had some fantastic zoo lab sessions where a Zoo lab representative will visit nursery with a select range of animals for the children to see and learn about. Whilst here the representative will show the children the animals individually, allow them to touch, hold or stroke and talk about amazing facts about these unique animals so the children can learn important information about how to care for the animals. We have had the amazing opportunity to see; snakes, lizards, tarantulas, rats, rabbits, frogs, millipedes, giant snails and much more. 

Football and athletics - we are currently in the middle of our football sessions which are held each Wednesday for all of our over 2's children to take part in. The external group Superstar sports West midlands complete fun active sessions with the children each week, allowing them to develop gross motor skills moving around the outdoor environment, develop balance and spatial awareness and to work as a team. It allows the opportunity for children to follow instructions and practice key listening and attention skills. Our children are thoroughly enjoying this at present and staff, parent and child feedback has been great!

Music sessions - We have had some lovely visits from local music and movement groups and the local library to complete interactive rhyme time and story sessions with the children. This has given children the opportunity to listen to external adults, focusing on their story, puppets, music and rhyme, developing key communication, language and listening skills for all ages.

Spanish lesson  - Ola! Of recent we had a lovely visit from Kidslingo for a Spanish lesson. The children we able to learn simple counting words 1-10, colours and how to say 'My name is' in Spanish. We were also able to join in some fun Spanish rhymes using our learnt words and dance along with actions! How great!

Warwickshire road safety - we had a great visit from Warwick the bear who came along to talk to our children at Banana Moon about how to stay safe when accessing the road and when out in public. The lovely lady used a fun interactive approach with a large board book, big bear and props to engage with the children such as listening ears, looking eyes etc. 

With all of the above events, and those to come, we always invite our parents and families who may not attend on those days to join us so that we are inclusive of everyone and offer opportunities to all. 

Is there anything else you think we could do? Do you know of any fun interactive external sessions who could visit us?
We would love to hear!

@BananaMoon - 2 years ago


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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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