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Banana Moon Parent App - Parent Partnership

On registering at Banana Moon your child will have their own individual profile created on our online nursery management software Blossom Educational.

From the moment they start their journey with us you will have parent/carer access to your child's profile and all features entailed by an individual magic access link... cool hey? So what is on the Parent App - what can you see?

On your child's profile home view screen you will be able to see key information;
  • An up to date photo of your child and their age in months
  • Nursery contact information including; address, phone number and email
  • Your child's key worker name and photo 
  • Your child's current room name
  • And be able to access - 'all about me' information for your child and update this as necessary too!

Daily diary..
Each day of attendance from the moment your child is signed in to nursery to the moment they are signed out at the end of the day, you will be able to view your child's individual daily diary. Within the dairy feature you will get regular updates on the following aspects of your child's day;
  • All meal information - what the meal was and how much your child has eaten of said meal
  • Nappy/toileting information 
  • Sleep information 
  • Daily activities - photos and information to equip - what is your child up to today?
I am sure you would agree it is not a nice feeling to be in the dark and not know what your child is doing today, have they eaten? have they napped? are they happy? what have they been exploring? - of course we understand you want to know so this is why the app is so important and such a key feature to our parent partnership on a daily basis

Learning journey information 
You will regularly get observations sent home through the parent app for you to read how your child is developing and what they are achieving and interested in at nursery - these are sent to you as a 'Golden moment' and include descriptive information typed by our Early Years Professionals, individual to your child and their learning and development and key links to our Banana Moon curriculum and the Characteristics of Effective Learning.

The observations discussed above, and the links to the framework build a picture over time of your child's development as a whole. When it is time, your child's key worker will create a formative report, and this will detail all areas of your child's development, where they are working at and what they are working towards and this will be shared with you at key times to allow you to understand a little more focused information on development.

Home observations - you as parents can also share observations from home - what have they been up to? What have they enjoyed? Have you been anywhere and want to share this with your child's key worker? - sometimes we do not see everything from your child at nursery, especially if they only attend 1 session per week - so these observations from home are really essential to your child's learning journey too!

Parent - practitioner messaging feature
Each parent who has parental responsibility access to the child's profile will have access to the messaging feature - this sends us a direct message to nursery and will be picked up by one of our Early Years Profressionals at Banana Moon - you are therefore able to inform us of topics such as absence, lateness, a change to collection, important daily information, supplies etc. if any further information needs to be clarified an EYP will give you a call or follow up with an email too.

On your child's profile you will be able to view your child's account/session information and view your current and recent invoices and payments - allowing you to keep track and up to date with all finance information.

Nursery News
The nursery will regularly communicate with you via the 'Nursery news' feature - this will keep you up to date on all things nursery related, we also send out monthly age specific newsletters to let you know what our children are getting up to and any important dates for your diaries. You are able to look back on all of the 'News' sent out to you if you have missed any information.

Accidents and incidents
When having an accident at nursery, incident, or injury at home form completed - hand written and signed by EYP and parent, these are also typed and recorded on your child's individual profile, you are able to view these and look back on all accident information on your child's profile.

Home activities
There are various home activity ideas listed on the parent app for all ages to inspire learning at home too? What could you do? Making playdough? Simple science? Craft ideas? the opportunities are endless.

There is also various useful information relating to terms and conditions and privacy policy and any help/advice you may need with the parent app.

If this sounds interesting to you, which i am sure it does and you are interested in a place at Banana Moon Baddesley Ensor to use this great online interactive service, please contact us for vacancy information and to look around our nursery. 

@BananaMoon - 3 years ago


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Get in touch today

We are confident you will appreciate our nursery, its setting and facilities. Should you wish to visit, we are available at any time to meet with you. Any comments or input from parents are always welcome.

Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Baddesley Ensor

Banana Moon Day Nursery, Little Brum, Baddesley Ensor

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